Monday, May 12, 2008

The most amazing artist in the world

There are two people in this world who I consider my best friend. Sonnett and Sabine. Sonnett and I met in 3rd grade, became friends in 5th, and have remained best friends ever since—even though we have lived several miles apart ever since 6th grade. She was the person who started me writing, has kept me writing, and encourages my writing. She is one of the single most talented people I have ever known in my life! Besides being a kick butt singer, (she would blow American Idol away if she ever went on it) a great writer, an avid reader, a consiourger of fine music, art, and food, a fabulous cook, and massage therapist, she is also one of the finest artists I have ever known. (I’m not boasting, although I should since I’m her best friend, but I’m simply stating facts.) The greatest advantage I receive from this fact is that she is constantly illustrating pictures for my novel. Since I was twelve she has often given me amazing drawings for birthday and Christmas gifts. Well, knowing I was having a sad week, she sent my one of my all time favorite pictures she has given me. Here it is

I’m not sure if she has titled it, but I call it “Prisoner in Pink”. At first you might think it’s a beautiful picture of a princess, but it would mean more if you understood that it is a picture from the very first novel I ever wrote, (well, co-wrote with Sonnett). We were in 5th grade and together wrote a 100 page, handwritten novel about a young princess (Tara) who always wore pink, until one day, for her sixteenth birthday overheard her boyfriend (Prince David) complaining to someone about it. In the end she dresses in a blue gown for the ball and discovers that she never really loved Prince David, but truly loved Prince Ian all along. Awesome story! I’ll let you know when I publish that one, but until then you can enjoy the stunning picture of Princess Tara wearing a classic pink, heart-shaped bodiced gown, complete with puffy shirt and off the shoulder puffy sleeves. I love it! This is what my books are all about.

And for your viewing pleasure here are a few more fantastic pictures by Sonnett. (Hopefully she won’t mind me posting these) Each one is a character from one of the stories I have written. If you’re curious to learn more about them, just ask ;)

Celestia's Sword 2007

The Fairy Queen 1999

Ariel and Xenzues 2001


sonnett said...


I'm so glad you like it Aly, I had such fun drawing it and going back to our Heart-Shaped Bodice days.

Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration to me.


Dani said...

She's very talented! I think my favorite is the last one. What a great friend you have!

Sabine Berlin said...

She really is awesome!

What's Cookin?? said...

Wow!She is so talented! So are you! Someday I hope to buy one of your books :)!

Hassingers said...

Wow, she is amazing. It is so sad. Hannah is a better artist than me.

shauna said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! -I miss those good old dorm days of art and music and writing:)