Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad! A tribute to my father Robert Bergstrom Ingebretsen 1948-2003

I have been missing my Dad a lot this past month. March is always a very hard month for me because it was the month my Dad was born in and died in. Today he would have been 60 years old. He died five years ago.

I started putting together my 100 list about me and my first ten or so were all things about my Dad. That's when I realized I was really missing him and that I should just do a tribute to him on his birthday—get it out of my system so I can move on. So here it is. (I really don't expect anyone to read this, but maybe you'll find it fascinating. Who knows?)

1) My Dad was a computer genius. Really he was.
2) My father was the inventor of the technology that lead to the CD/DVD player
3) He worked with Ed Catmull, and together they made the first ever digital animated movie. It was a moving human hand and was about 20 seconds long.
4) Ed Catmull then asked my father to come to California and help start a digital animation company. My father declined, because he didn't want to move his family out of Utah. That "small" digital animation company is now Pixar Animation Studios.
5) Because of his pioneer efforts in digital recording, his invention of the CD player technology and digital animation he received an academy award in 1998.
6) His name was in TIME magazine
7) If you Google his name several websites pop up including

Things invented by Latter Day Saints

8)Growing up in the 50's he was a member of a prominent family in Salt Lake and would often be photographed for the newspaper
9)He was the great-great grandson of Brigham Young
10)He worked in Los Angels as one of the leading digital sound recorders in the 80's. He even had a platinum record hanging in his office that he had recorded.

Doesn't all this sound really cool. But the truth is, I hardly knew this stuff when he was alive. It's interesting how I never associated these things with my father until after he died. Now, that's how people know him by. When people speak to me about him it's always, "oh you're Robert Ingebretsen's daughter, the brilliant inventor who did this or this....." So the following list is, to me, who my dad really was

1) He always had a computer. I never in my life had a time that there wasn't at least one computer in the house and very often there was two or three.
2) He always had the Internet. The Internet has actually been around since the 50's, and we've had it in our house since the late 70's. (Or maybe it was early 80's. I'm not positive on the date. I could go into more details about the history of the internet because my father taught me all about it)
3)He loved chocolate milk, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, and Wheaties
4) He loved physics, and often discussed random laws of nature at the dinner table
5) He had a stupid funny sense of humor.
6) He loved watching the news, Seinfeld, Louis and Clark, James Bond movies, and X-files.
7)He had a terrible temper, but he was very quick to apologize and ask for forgiveness
8) He was very quick to forgive others and forget anything bad about a person
9) He always trusted me, so I felt I could tell him anything.
10) He believed in the best of people.
11) He loved trains and built model trains in our basement
12) He loved his children more than anything else in the world
13) He was never famous or rich in his life, although he did many "worldly" great things.
14) One of his greatest fears was dying alone.
15) He died alone.
16) His death was so unexpected, no one discovered it for almost 18 hours.
17) He was only 54 when he died of a heart attack.
18) He and I spoke over the phone the day before he died. We talked about how much he loved my daughter and what he was going to do with her during the summer.
19) He had a strong testimony in Christ, repentance and the Resurrection
20) I was with most of my family when we received news of his death.
21) It took me almost a month accept his death. I kept calling his home phone, just to hear his voice on the answering machine--half expecting him to answer.
22)I archived every email he ever sent me and I love when my brother sends me emails because he has the same name as my father.
23) We told stupid dumb jokes at his funeral
24) I think about him and miss him every day
25) I have never been as close to my mother as I was to him. I hope that changes some day
26) He and I are very alike, and there has never been anyone who understood me as well as he did. That's what I miss most about him.
27) There have been at least three times, since his death, that I knew without a doubt that his spirit was next to me.
28) The Christmas before he died he had no money for gifts, so he made a CD of all his favorite songs to give to his kids. At the time he thought is was a lame gift and almost didn't give it to us. He had no idea how treasured it became after his death and what comfort it brought me every time I listened to it.
29) He made a lot of mistakes and hurt a lot of people in his life, but the last few years of his life were spent repenting and making amends
30) When he died I felt that he had become the best man he could in this life. He taught me that you were never too old to change and become a better person.

If you made it through reading all this, I'm impressed, I know it was both therapeutic and fun for me to remember my dad and put this list together.

Happy birthday Dad. I love you!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lost in a sea of books

My list of must read books grows every day. My list of books I am reading or have read does not grow every day. Thus I am starting to feel overrun by books I want to read. I feel like I am surrounded by people who devour 2-6 books a week. It amazes me. I can’t help but wonder what their secret is, how they are able to run their lives and keep on all their reading, and I am thoroughly jealous.

I admit, I use to be a much more veracious reader, but since my third child I keep feeling I am falling further and further behind. Not just in reading but everything around me: house work, laundry, kids homework—I don’t know why this third child has taken me so long to recover from, I mean he’s one now and I’m still feeling like I haven’t got my routine down yet. Hmm, maybe in the next eighteen years I’ll figure something out. I hope.

After reading Laurie’s post I feel kind of selfish going on and on like this, but I think sometimes it’s healthy to vent as well. That’s all I’m doing, venting and longing for more time to myself. I think heaven would be a place that I can sit down to read a book and no one will bother me until the chapter break. Or, I can sit and read and no one flushes toothbrushes down the toilet, unrolls the whole roll of toilet paper and rips it into tiny shreds, and dumps liquid fabric softener on my shoes while I spend ten minutes reading. Or even better, heaven will be a place that, when my kids are asleep, I have nothing else that has to get done, (i.e. laundry, cleaning, dishes, yard work) and I can sit back in a spotless home, with sweet silence and do what ever I want, (sleep, write, read) without feeling an ounce of guilt.

I love my kids but I admit I dream of a time when all my kids are in school and I have six hours a day to do whatever I need to/want to. Or a time when I have a husband that comes home before 9:00 at night, and has energy to help with the kids and give me a break. Or a husband who is home on weekends…. Someday.

But for now, I’m going to focus on the fact that someday I will have hours to myself and I will miss my kids and long to hold and cuddle a baby. So I’m going to love my kids, and cherish ever smile, ever temper tantrum, every second I get to be surrounded by them—the most precious things that I love. I will remember that they will grow and that one day I will no longer be a young mom. When I think of it that way it makes me sad and I find myself pulling my little ones closer, kissing them why they still let me kiss them and treasure every second that I have with them.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Stupid dumb word verification

I just wanted to vent about how much I hate those stupid word verifications on blogs. I always mess up on them, because the letters are so fancy. I’ve noticed not all blogs have them. Is there a way to turn it off? I would really love to turn it off on my mine.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Lost Shoes

I found these poor shoes wandering around my house a few weeks ago. If they look at all familar to you please let me know. I would love to find a home for them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Writing Panic!!

I have you ever done something and after thought, what did I just do? What the heck was thinking? That happened to me today.

Back in February, Sabine and I attended the LTEU writing conference at BYU and met up with Orson Scott Card. He had agreed to read some of Sabine’s writing and critic it for her. After, he and I were talking and I told him that I was preparing my manuscript to send out to a publisher and that I was struggling with my synopsis. He kindly offered to review it for me and give me some feedback, but he would also need the first three chapters as well.

So, after making sure it was polished up, I emailed it to him. Since then I have been feeling utterly stupid. For one, my book is so not the type of book that a person like Scott would ever read. Two, it’s so poorly written compared to the kinds of things Scott reads. I keep picture him reading it and trying not to laugh at how completely ridiculous and juvenile it is. I keep imagining him writing me back, trying not to laugh and wish me luck because there is nothing he can do to help me, (because it’s so bad).

It’s amazing that I can send it to the professional editors at a New York publishing house with not as much anxiety as this. I don’t know why I’m so nervous, maybe because I enjoy Scott’s writing, maybe because I admire his teaching, maybe because he has taught me so much and I’m worried I’ve done it wrong, maybe simply because he’s Orson Scott Card? I don’t know but I keep getting sick every time I think of him reading it.

Oh well, the terrible deed is done, I just hope I hear from him soon so I can stop checking my email every hour. (What if it takes a month for him to get back to me?) But I did want to give a huge shout out to everyone who has been so encouraging with me towards my writing, everyone who has read it and given such precious advice, and even those of you who have read it for fun. Thank you! Who knows, maybe this will be the start of my writing career, (or the end of it) either way it’s done now. I need to try, somehow, to forget about it. Where’s my sailor moon dvd’s?

Monday, March 17, 2008

Green Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

I have always loved this day. One of my mother’s greatest strengths is how she went to all lengths to celebrate each holiday when I was a child. She decorated the entire house for every single holiday, (well the major ones, we didn’t really do much for arbor day, or secretaries day…)

On St Patrick’s Day I would plan to wear my greenest outfit, or I would make sure to wear green somewhere totally obscure, (like on a pair of socks, or the elastic in my hair.) Then my mother would go all out to celebrate. Each year the leprechauns would hide a pot of “gold” at our house. After school my brothers and sister and I would rush home to find the clue that the leprechauns had left for us. We would then search the house for the other clues and the pot of gold, (which was rolo’s and chocolate gold coins.) Every year my mother would work to make the clues harder and harder so one year I think the treasure hunt took us two hours to find ten clues. It was great.

Then for dinner, every year, she would make green macaroni and cheese, green milk, green finger jello, and broccoli. We could count on it. And even though I just can’t stomach green mac ‘n cheese I still make it every year on this special day for my family.

I love the memories my mother made for me and I’m working to create the same ones for my kids. So yes, today we had a treasure hunt. We ate green food. We wore green and we all had an awesome time.

I hope it was a great day for you.

Friday, March 14, 2008

For the Love of cupcakes

Here is my goal to be more green this year. It is really a simple thing, something many of us do, and I'm probably the only one out there not already doing it, but I forget. I'm seriously going to try harder to rememebr this year to


What's your goal

(Thanks for the contest Kami)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Becoming Jane

I just watched the movie, Becoming Jane

Oh I loved it. I even cried at the end. (When you watch it you’ll think, why the heck did Aly cry) but once in a while I get so attached to characters that I just want them to be happy. And Jane did that too me. It made me love her, not just her books, but her. I wish I could hang out with her, go out to lunch and have a conversation, (even though her vocabulary is leaps and bounds ahead of mine) It would just be so cool. It also made me so grateful that I am not a woman living in that time period (shudder!)

So if you like Jane Austen, you have to see the movie, and if you have seen the movie, wasn’t it wonderful?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jacob Black

Ok, I think Jacob is adorable! I thought he was way cute in Shark Boy and Lava Girl, however he seems like a little boy to me. But I do think he's cute, so it will make the movie fun. What do you think?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tagged Past, Present, and Future

20 years ago—1988
I turned 10 this year and was in fourth grade at Cottonwood Heights Elementary. By this time I had met a girl, Sonnett, who would become one of my best and longest friends ever. However, she and I didn’t really hang out much—yet.

10 years ago—1998
I turned 20, and was in my first year of marriage. I saw Titanic five times in the movie theaters. I went skiing for the very first time. I bought my condo and moved into the Aspen 9th ward.

5 Years ago—2003
Two huge life changing events happened this year. I had my second child and my father died. Has it really been five years!

3 Years ago—2005

I became friends with the other best friend I have ever had, Sabine. This is also the year I started letting people read my writing, and seriously started perusing writing.

1 Year ago—2007
I had my first baby boy! I took an intensive writing workshop from Orson Scott Card. My husband started Doctoral School and radiation treatment for cancer.

So far this year—2008
I have successfully lost 10 pounds. I have prepared my book to submit to publishers. I have weeded my flowerbeds. In August I will turn 30.

Yesterday I
Celebrated my sons first birthday, bought new jeans (because I’ve lost some weight) ate Magelby’s chocolate cake. Stayed up late cleaning

Today I
Got my daughter to school on time. Stared at the computer. Changed a diaper and folded socks (wow that sounds so productive!)

I tag SABINE and anyone else that wants to do this.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 6th—Happy Birthday My Handsome Boy

Hyrum, you are one today. One fabulous crazy year has passed since you came into our family. Here are some highlights that I always want to remember.

H—Happy. I have never known a little boy to be so happy and full of so many smiles.
Y—Yikes!! I didn’t know what I was getting into when I agreed to have a boy.
R—Rambunctious. You have always been a mover and a shaker and you keep everyone else busy chasing after you.
U—Unkempt. My house is in shambles, thanks to your creativity.
M—Muncher. You love to eat, and never turn down sweets, just like your mama

K—King. You are the “king” of my heart.
I—Intelligent. There seems to be nothing you can’t figure out, I don’t know why I child-proof anything.
N—Naughty and Nice. You are a true mama’s boy and can get away with almost anything
G—Grin. You always have a smile on your face, and bring smiles to others.

I am so grateful for my little boy and I’m so happy to have him in my family. Happy Birthday Hyrum.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Please Help

My sister-in-law (Lindz) is about to have a baby. On her blog they are running a vote to see which name they should choose. The first name is Elliot, (they would call him Eli for short), which I LOVE. How cute is this Eli Ingebretsen!!

The problem is, only two people have voted for Eli so far, (I am one of the two) So I’m asking people to please go check out her site and vote for Eli. Now if you don’t like Eli, you don’t have to vote, but I would love it if you still would. Scroll down on my blog and find Lindz, or you can just click here. Thanks for your help!!