Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Daughter of a King

Eight years ago my life changed forever. I became a mother. I strongly believe there is nothing more difficult, more rewarding, more challenging, more beautiful, more emotional, or more wonderful than being a mother. I feel so blessed to be one. Being a mother has changed me, and continues to change me every day. I have grown, and learned so much, and as difficult as it has been—at times it has seemed impossible to deal with—I would not change the experience for anything else this world could offer. I love my parents, I love my friends, I love my husband, but nothing can match the unconditional love, the intense heart wrenching love, I feel for each one of my beautiful children.

Today I celebrate not only eight years of motherhood, but my precious daughter’s eighth birthday.

Happy Birthday Janae. I love you!

Here are eight unique, wonderful things about my daughter:

1. The biggest trial we have struggled with is her delay in speech. Hours of effort, and time, and tears of frusteration have gone into working with her, helping her, loving her and encouraging her. Because of it she has learned not only to communicate with emotions but she has become very sensitive to those around her. She is so quick to help someone who is hurt or sad, to offer her seat to one in need, to reach out to one who is troubled. She is quick to know when I am hurting inside, no matter how hard I try to hide it. She is always the first one to put her arms around me, assure me how much she loves me, and how wonderful she thinks I am. I could not ask for a better comforter than my daughter.

2. When she was four years old she had six hospital stays over a six month period. One was for major surgery, one was for dehydration and one was because she broke her arm and they needed to put her under to reposition the bones. As a result she has absolutely no fear of shots anymore.

3. At an early age she started drawing, and we discovered she had a gift of expressing herself through pictures when words eluded her. She is a great artist and she hopes to develop that talent.

4. She is better than me at playing Mario Cart on Nintendo. How did that happen?!!

5. She is dynamic. When she was one she did not want to come home from a cousin’s house. We had to strap her into the car and drive 30 min with her screaming. Once we got out of the car she wiggled out of my arms and darted up the street. By the time I caught her she was two blocks away. (By the time she was one she was a faster runner than me too.)

6. She is the most money conscious member of the family, more so than either me or my husband. Whenever we go to the store she is very clear to ask what my budget is before I buy anything, and for every item I grab making sure it is on the list or that we have money for it. (She always catches me when I try to sneak in those extra treats)

7. It drives her crazy when the house is messy and she is meticulous about cleaning and organizing. However she has to do it herself. If I try to force, push or even suggest she cleans than it will never happen. But the moment the idea comes to her on her own she will clean better than me.

8. She wants to travel the world and hopes to go to Egypt and see the mummies.

What a blessing she is to me. I’m so glad that, for now, she is still my little girl, and I’m amazed as she grows and matures what a remarkable woman she will one day become.



Sabine Berlin said...

Happy Birthday Janae! We love you!

kami @ said...

Happy Birthday To Janae! Yeah, she gets to be baptized soon. What a sweet tribute to your first.

J Glazier said...

Happy Birthday to Janae! She is VERY remarkable, loving, and gives GREAT talks in primary on the spur of the moment.

Beth said...

Hurrah for Janae! If she is interested in Egypt and Mummies, I have a TON of books I could let her borrow. Lots of awesome pictures.

Gail said...

WOW...I never new she was so artistic. Thanks for sharing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Janae and CONGRATS on being Baptized.

Holly said...

I can't believe how grown-up she is! It hasn't been that long since we've seen your kids!
If Janae ever feels like she wants an all day project of cleaning... send her our way:)

shauna said...

I remember going to her (baby) blessing....Where did the time go?!..

Maria said...

Happy Birthday Janae. It's been so fun to watch her grow up. She has such a fun personality!

Beth said...

I just wanted to add that Janae looks very beautiful in that picture. What a great kid she is!

Shauna said...

Happy Happy Birthday Janae.

Hassingers said...

Happy Birthday Janae!! I can't believe she is eight. She was barely three when I started visiting you!