Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

We Thank Thee Oh God For Our Prophet

I have never loved a prophet as much as I loved President Hinckley, and as sad as I am at his passing, I am so grateful to have been a part of the church during his ministry, and I’m happy that he is once again with his wife and taking a rest from the trials of this life. Well done thou good and faithful servant! In honor of Pres. Hinckley I have written down my ten favorite memories of him.

1)It is impossible to ignore the boom of temple building that he started. It was like a snowball rolling down a hill, growing bigger and faster than anyone could have anticipated.

2)The Family Proclamation has been one of the most inspired proclamations I have ever read and has brought a great sense of comfort and direction in times of need.

3)He was the first prophet I had ever seen in real life. My sister and I were in Salt Lake and wanted to go to the distribution center at the Joseph Smith Memorial building to buy some new garments. As we were driving through the underground parking we noticed more people were there than usually. As we were directed to drive a different path our attention immediately became focused on President Hinckley, walking through the parking lot, escorting his sweet wife. Seeing him was like being in the presence of lightening. You could literally feel the difference in the air!

4)Each conference I would look foreword to hearing him bare his testimony, because it left you knowing, without a doubt that he truly was a man of God.

5)Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful

6)President Hinckley was the perfect example of a husband showing love and kindness to his wife. There was no doubt that he loved her! What a sweet memory to think of them together again.

7)I am grateful for the Book of Mormon challenge he gave to us, helping us remember what a blessing that book is in our life.

8)His rededication of the Nauvoo Temple struck me so much, and made me grateful for the legacy this church has.

9)I loved his sense of humor and always smile whenever he spoke

10) The first time I watched and read “Special Witness of Jesus Christ” I was so touched and moved by the words of President Hinckley. It has been a comfort since then for me to know, that our prophet has seen Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I know that President Hinckley was a Prophet of our God and His son Jesus Christ. And I’m so very grateful for the hard work and love he gave to all people on this earth!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Miss America

OK, I have to admit, I’m a fan of Miss America. I have been ever since I’ve known about it—20 years ago or so. When I was younger my friend and I would get together and have huge Miss America parties and watch the pageant.

Well, then I got married and knew that I would never be Miss America, and had kids and forgot about it. But this year they gave Miss America a “Reality Check”, showing the contestants on a reality show for the past few weeks. I totally got sucked into it again, to the point that I rushed down from Salt Lake after a baptism, just so I could get home in time to watch it live tonight.

I’ll be honest, after watching the reality show I didn’t “love” Miss Utah. I was kind of disappointed in her and really surprised when she got called into the top 16. But after watching her, one thing I am really happy about is her modesty in dress. As we were watching the swimsuit competition my daughters asked why all of them showed their bellies, (we’re on a big modesty kick at our house right now). Then Miss Utah came out wearing a one piece. Earlier she had also worn a cap sleeve shirt when everyone else wore tank tops. I really appreciated that. The girls got excited when they heard Utah and then were very happy to see her dressing modestly. That made me “love” her a little more, and I was sad that she didn’t make it any further.

The best part about the new changes they made to the pageant this year is once contests don’t progress to the next round they get to go over to watch it while pigging out on sugar drenched carbs. That would make anyone happy to lose.

It’s also fun that I have daughters now who enjoy it almost as much as I do—thanks to all my brainwashing of course. So together we got to cuddle, drink soda and watch the pageant. And even though I’ve never competed in a pageant in my entire life, deep down, I know, if I wanted to I could have totally pulled off being Miss America

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Grave of the Fireflies

If you are over at Orem Library, looking for an intense emotional movie to watch grab their copy of “Grave of the Fireflies”. Let’s face it, all stories about WWII are intense and emotional, but this one hit me harder then any other movie I’ve ever seen. Between myself, and my two daughters that stayed up watching this, we cleaned out half a box of Kleenex, and afterwards I stayed up for an hour, lying in my bed trying to figure out what it was about this movie that was so difficult. Finally I realized, it’s because you see war through the eyes of a child—that hit too close to home for me, and I struggled with the concept of my own children suffering through such an ordeal.

The movie is about two young children, the brother, 14 year old Seita, and the sister, 4 year old Setsuko. Living on Kobe, Japan during WWII Seita and Setsuko watch their city bombed and destroyed, as they struggle to find shelter. Thinking their mother is safe, Seita finds their mother after the bombing burned to death. He takes it upon himself to protect his little sister and keep her safe.

Together they struggle to find food and shelter, and face the horrors that Japan faced during that time and the nation wide failure felt once Japan surrendered.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I watched the movie, and although it was difficult to watch, I’m glad I did and I’m glad my kids watched it. It opened up several question that we were able to talk about, and they started to truly get a sense of what it was like living in war…to the point that when the bomb sirens would sound they would cling to me and cry, “Run. Run, get in the shelter”

It made me so grateful to live in our country, to have the freedom that we do, to live during such a peaceful time in our lives. I know it won’t last, and that someday we will face war and suffering. But for now I will hold my dear children close to me, and thank the Lord that they aren’t starving, or struggling to survive on their own, and fearing the next bomb raid that could destroy everything around them. We truly are blessed.

Friday, January 18, 2008

All you really need is chocolate, coke and Sailor Moon to overcome any discouragement in life

OK, friends help too!

This past week I got totally denied for a writing contest that I had entered. Needless to say it doused my fire to want to write for a while. I swore I would never write again, or if I did it would only be for me and me alone!….

After about an hour I quickly got over that.

So, my kids have been super emotional this week, exploding with little outburst of emotion, leaving me exploding with larger outbursts of emotion, leading them to respond with even greater outbursts of emotion. It’s a vicious cycle. There’s been a lot of tears during bed time as I’ve tried to coax my kids to bed while they sob uncontrollably and say, “I’m not tired” There’s been a lot of lashing at me with claims that I’m the meanest mom in the world, (because they’ve met every mom in the world and verbal confirmed this), and there’s been a lot of me shaking my head, trying to remember why I “love” being a mom, why I agreed to have more than 0 children, and why, oh why do I sometimes consider the possibility of one day having more.

Then finally everyone goes to sleep and I look at their helpless little figures and all my frustration is gone and I love them more than anything in the world. Why does this happen? I know I’m not the only one to experience this. Oh, but they are so wonderful and cute and precious when they sleep… when they ALL sleep!

Nonetheless, I am convinced that their over-the-top, emotionally behavior is in response to my writing rejection that I’ve been wallowing in. I haven’t tried to make a big deal of it, in fact my kids don’t even know about it, and yet I am certain they are aware and in tune to my emotions, so much so that this slight hiccup has disturb them. In all honesty I think their behavior has—in a subconscious round about way—been their way to help me coup with my hurt, negative, and bitter emotions that I was trying to suppress. Since I wasn’t showing my frustration and hurt they allowed me a different outlet to relieve that emotion. They acted out to help take my focus off myself, and get frustrated with them, therefore allowing me to relieve some of this emotion. I guess if you think of it that way I really do have the kindest, most unselfish, empathic kids, who are just trying to help their mother…

So Honey, how’s THAT for psychoanalysis! I should have been a counselor.

That, or it’s something as simple as when mom’s in a bad mood everyone else is too. Either way I’m glad the week is over, and I’m ready to have things a little more calm and peaceful around here.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New glasses and new hair

So I just got new glasses. Well, I’ve always had glasses so I should say that I just got new frames. But I’m a contacts girl. I only wear glasses at night, or when I’m sick, or if I’m really late and don’t have time to put in my contacts, (but that’s like not brushing my teeth) So, I don’t really get my glasses prescription updated very often. (My last prescription was over five years ago) So lately I’ve noticed that I can’t see with my glasses anymore and finally decided, since we do have vision insurance, to break down and get a new pair.

Personally, I think my glasses are adorable. My daughter hates them—so much that when I showed them to her she was worried my hubby would divorce me because my glasses were so ugly. (She thinks they look like Penny’s Mom from Hairspray) I couldn’t help but laugh, which only made her more angry.

Anyway, I’ve started wearing them a little more, because I think they are so cute, and I actually see better in them then I do with contacts, (since I have a slight astigmatism) Well, since my glasses aren’t “fashion” according to my daughter, she told me if I was going to wear them I needed to get a new “fashion” hair style to go with them. I agree. I want to/need to get my hair done. Some highlights and a cute bob would be simply fabulous! Well, she wasn’t thinking that. She felt that she needed to do my hair. So I let her.

You can view the results in the picture. Aren’t I lucky? Who needs professional hairstylist when you have kids!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Frailty thy name is Kneaders!

Every time I find myself going to Kneaders I ask myself why? Why do I try to drive through that narrow parking lot, congested with cars? Why do I wait in line for sometimes over 30 minutes, just to get lunch? And why, oh why am I willing to spend $7 on one sandwich? Seven dollars! I could feed my whole family for that much money.

And yet I go. I am undeniably drawn and pulled in that direction. And as I stand in line, grumbling about the wait, or hand over my money, and receiving only pennies back in change, I swear to myself I will never, ever come again!

And yet I have made, at one time, (ok I was pregnant at the time) five trips to Kneaders in one week! Why?


Because their food is so good. The moment I am biting into one of their fresh sandwiches, or a homemade pastries I forget about the wait in line, I forget about the money. It’s almost like having a baby. I hate being pregnant, the sickness, the back aches. And I hate labor. But the moment I hold that tiny baby in my arms all of that is forgotten and I’m willing to do it again. (Ok, so eating at kneaders and having a baby aren’t really the same thing, but you get the idea.)

I can’t go inside anymore. I only do the drive through, because if you go in you are instantly bombarded with the glass displays showing all their chocolate cakes, French éclairs, raspberry bread pudding, key lime tarts, strawberry cheesecakes, mint brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. No, I can’t go inside.

But now they’re making the drive through just as treacherous. I went today, craving their chunky French toast with caramel syrup, and there, in the drive through window, in perfect view, were trays filled with chocolate bread, pumpkin bread and some other kind of bread. After eyeing for a while, as I waited for my food I couldn’t help but ask the lady how much. She smiled, explained it’s not much at all and it would be easy to add to my bill. Smiling she asks in that sugar sweet voice if she could get one for me.

I bought the chocolate bread.

Oh Kneaders! Curse you! Curse the bakers that conceived of you and set you up at such close proximity to my house. No wonder I can’t loose weight, not with Carb Heaven just a couple of blocks away.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The magic of Hayao Miyazaki

Upon reading the title of this you will think one of two things. Oh yes, Miyazaki is amazing! Or: what the heck is that?

Those of you wondering the latter, Miyazaki happens to be one of the most brilliant story tellers of our time, and he does it, in what I feel is becoming a lost art: the art of animation. Thanks to the people at PIXAR, Miyazaki’s films are becoming easy to come by, and done in believable English dubbing. (Though I am a fan of the Japanaese language). Some of you may be familiar with his brilliant, Spirited Away. Some of my favorites are, Castle in the Sky, Howl’s Moving Castle, Whisper’s of the Heart and Kiki’s Delivery Service. (The list goes on)

Every one of his stories star a young woman, who is sometimes clumsy, or too skinny, or a crybaby, but throughout the story they triumph over their trials because of their persistence, hard work and endearing friendships. Each one of his stories leave me completely enchanted.

So, for Christmas I just got one of his movies to add to my collection. The Cat Returns. I was skeptical about this movie at first because I don’t like cats, and as you can tell from the title, it deals heavily with cats. So I popped it in three times before I watched the whole thing. (The first two times I put it in for my kids and wondered off to do other things) Finally I sat down and watched the whole thing.

I loved it! You know it’s wonderful when it makes someone like me, who hates cats, actually wish they were a cat. And it’s all because of the Baron. Those who may be familiar with Whisper of the Heart will recognize the Baron from Shizuku’s story. And in fact that story was the spring board for this movie. The Baron is a magical figurine that has a soul and is able to come to life when necessary. He is a dignified, refined, handsome and gracious cat and with Cary Elwes doing the voice you can’t help but fall in love with him.

The story is about a young girl who saves a cat from being run over, immediately following the cat stands up and starts talking to her, leaving her in complete shock. Turns out he is the Prince of Cat Kingdom. The next day several gifts arrive from the Cat Kingdom, including mice, cat nip, and a betrothal to the Prince. Seeking help, the main girl stumbles across the Baron, who saves her from the relentless Cat King and helps her find her way home.

It’s absolutely charming and I would recommend it to everyone, if nothing else check out a movie by Hayao Miyazaki. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

What a great, crazy week! Between family get togethers, funerals, lunch with great friends, a messy house, and trying to find a place for all the toys my kids got, things have been crazy!

Happy New Year everyone. So here is my list of impossible, never-really-will-be-able-to-achieve goals for 2008

Clean and organize my house exactly how I want it to be… and keep it that way
Write everyday for two hours
Exercise everyday for an hour
Read everyday for an hour
Read to my kids everyday for an hour
Do spiritually enlightening things everyday…for an hour
Do service everyday
Save money…everyday
Have every meal be both healthy and insanely good tasting (Hey Brant, I need that Family Recipe cookbook)
Keep my garden weed free
Never loose my temper with my kids
Loose 50 pounds
Go on a date with my husband every week
Be on the New York Times Bestseller List
Ok, so my realistic goals for 2008 are
Do the best I can on the list above
Get published
Say something nice to someone everyday
Good luck on all of your goals and have a great new year