Sunday, January 27, 2008

We Thank Thee Oh God For Our Prophet

I have never loved a prophet as much as I loved President Hinckley, and as sad as I am at his passing, I am so grateful to have been a part of the church during his ministry, and I’m happy that he is once again with his wife and taking a rest from the trials of this life. Well done thou good and faithful servant! In honor of Pres. Hinckley I have written down my ten favorite memories of him.

1)It is impossible to ignore the boom of temple building that he started. It was like a snowball rolling down a hill, growing bigger and faster than anyone could have anticipated.

2)The Family Proclamation has been one of the most inspired proclamations I have ever read and has brought a great sense of comfort and direction in times of need.

3)He was the first prophet I had ever seen in real life. My sister and I were in Salt Lake and wanted to go to the distribution center at the Joseph Smith Memorial building to buy some new garments. As we were driving through the underground parking we noticed more people were there than usually. As we were directed to drive a different path our attention immediately became focused on President Hinckley, walking through the parking lot, escorting his sweet wife. Seeing him was like being in the presence of lightening. You could literally feel the difference in the air!

4)Each conference I would look foreword to hearing him bare his testimony, because it left you knowing, without a doubt that he truly was a man of God.

5)Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful

6)President Hinckley was the perfect example of a husband showing love and kindness to his wife. There was no doubt that he loved her! What a sweet memory to think of them together again.

7)I am grateful for the Book of Mormon challenge he gave to us, helping us remember what a blessing that book is in our life.

8)His rededication of the Nauvoo Temple struck me so much, and made me grateful for the legacy this church has.

9)I loved his sense of humor and always smile whenever he spoke

10) The first time I watched and read “Special Witness of Jesus Christ” I was so touched and moved by the words of President Hinckley. It has been a comfort since then for me to know, that our prophet has seen Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I know that President Hinckley was a Prophet of our God and His son Jesus Christ. And I’m so very grateful for the hard work and love he gave to all people on this earth!


Sabine Berlin said...

What a nice post. I spent last night talking to M about her feelings. He is the only prophet she has ever known and it struck her hard. C was asleep so I will have that conversation today. But it was a good chance for M to realize how blessed we are to have the plan of Salvation. President Hinkley will be missed in our family, but we are glad that now he can be with his beloved wife.
I am glad I wrestled through ward conference yesterday, even if L was everywhere, so that we had the chance to sustain President Hinkley one last time.

Hassingers said...

Very well said. Thank you for sharing.