OK, friends help too!
This past week I got totally denied for a writing contest that I had entered. Needless to say it doused my fire to want to write for a while. I swore I would never write again, or if I did it would only be for me and me alone!….
After about an hour I quickly got over that.
So, my kids have been super emotional this week, exploding with little outburst of emotion, leaving me exploding with larger outbursts of emotion, leading them to respond with even greater outbursts of emotion. It’s a vicious cycle. There’s been a lot of tears during bed time as I’ve tried to coax my kids to bed while they sob uncontrollably and say, “I’m not tired” There’s been a lot of lashing at me with claims that I’m the meanest mom in the world, (because they’ve met every mom in the world and verbal confirmed this), and there’s been a lot of me shaking my head, trying to remember why I “love” being a mom, why I agreed to have more than 0 children, and why, oh why do I sometimes consider the possibility of one day having more.
Then finally everyone goes to sleep and I look at their helpless little figures and all my frustration is gone and I love them more than anything in the world. Why does this happen? I know I’m not the only one to experience this. Oh, but they are so wonderful and cute and precious when they sleep… when they ALL sleep!
Nonetheless, I am convinced that their over-the-top, emotionally behavior is in response to my writing rejection that I’ve been wallowing in. I haven’t tried to make a big deal of it, in fact my kids don’t even know about it, and yet I am certain they are aware and in tune to my emotions, so much so that this slight hiccup has disturb them. In all honesty I think their behavior has—in a subconscious round about way—been their way to help me coup with my hurt, negative, and bitter emotions that I was trying to suppress. Since I wasn’t showing my frustration and hurt they allowed me a different outlet to relieve that emotion. They acted out to help take my focus off myself, and get frustrated with them, therefore allowing me to relieve some of this emotion. I guess if you think of it that way I really do have the kindest, most unselfish, empathic kids, who are just trying to help their mother…
So Honey, how’s THAT for psychoanalysis! I should have been a counselor.
That, or it’s something as simple as when mom’s in a bad mood everyone else is too. Either way I’m glad the week is over, and I’m ready to have things a little more calm and peaceful around here.
REAL FRIENDS book tour!
7 years ago
Chocolate is the cure to everything : )
Mmmm chocolate!!!
I'm sorry you had such a rotten week. I wish I'd known. You looked very upbeat at Book Club!
Thanks for sharing that chocolate cake, coke and sailor moon with me. Just remeber what we have been nick named, Per-sisters! We will get them, or at least we will be rejected together! You are not alone!
Chocolate is great at any moment!!! Live in the moment - your kids are only young once!!
Just tell your kids if they want to see a MEAN mom they can come to my house!! Bed time is usually my meanest. I actually threatened Ethan one night that I was going to make him sleep on the front porch if he didn't ZIP IT!! Love being a mom and love it when days and weeks like that end.
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