Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bones and Narble, a call from Orson Scott Card, and a home refinance falling through

That sums up my April Fools Day, how about you? Every year Jason and I go to great lengths planning our April Fools Day joke on each other. We don’t breath a word about the day, hoping the other will forget, and without fail we pull some prank on each other every year. At first I was good about getting him, now he always knows and doesn’t trust a thing I tell him on that day. This year was no exception.

As many of you know I have sent in some of my writing to Orson Scott Card, and I’ve been waiting to hear back from him. Well I had this great idea to tell Jason that Scott actually called me because he loved my book so much and wanted to write a cover letter to TOR telling them what he thought. Maybe it was too far-fetched, or maybe Jason just doesn’t believe in my writing enough, but he saw straight through me. I thought it would work because I tested it on Sabine first.

She was ecstatic! She was so happy and so pleased for me I felt terribly guilty and quickly pulled the “April Fools” on her. Good thing we were on the phone or she might have hit me. But I was thrilled! I thought: if Sabine fell for it than Jason has to. No.

I call him up, “Guess who I just got off the phone with?”
“Who,” I can tell he’s busy and doesn’t really care.
“Orson Scott Card.”
“Right,” he says, “And he loved your book so much that he wants to publish it himself, no wait, he wants to put his name on it, no wait, I know, he just wanted to tell you that he doesn’t have time to read it, but he has time to call and play April Fools jokes.”
“Ha ha,” I tell him and pretend that I didn’t spend the last week concocting this April fools joke. “What’s your joke, that you got a huge contract for your business and that you can quiet your other jobs.”
“No, that would be lame,” he laughs. I hang up, feeling a little happy that Sabine was kind enough to allow me to fool her.

That morning I had explained April Fools to my daughter and we had fun saying things like, “I just bought you a hundred barbies. April fools! Oh no, your hair is turning blue, April fools.” By the afternoon I thought they had forgotten because we hadn’t said any dumb jokes for several hours. Well I had to run into Barnes and Nobel to grab a book, and as I did my four year old wanted to know the name of the store. I told her, “Barnes and Nobel.” “Bones and Narble?” She said bewildered. “That’s a really weird name.” I agreed and started walking in. Very solemnly she walks up to me and says, “Mom, I really wish your name was Bones and Narble.” I stared at her, surprised by her sincerity and said. “That would be fun, huh?” She grins at me, showing her dimple and says, “April Fools.” She totally got me, the little stinker!

Well, not even ten min after, I get a call from my husband. “I just sent you an email about our refi.” (We are refinancing to get out of an ARM) Since I’m driving I’m half listening and ask him what it’s about. “The deadline for our paperwork has expired and they’re not sure we can go through with it.”
“Yeah right. April Fools.” I wasn’t going to get caught.
“No I’m serious.” And he was. He was so serious! “I tried calling but no one was there.”
I rush home and check the email he sent me, and sure enough, the guy doing our loan sent an email saying he needed to speak with Jason.

My husband dragged it on all day. That night he comforted me, telling me things would probably be fine, it would just take a little longer, and that he would call the guy first thing in the morning. Then right as he was going to bed he softly says, “April Fools”

It took me about half an hour to accept that the whole thing was a joke. I was furious… Now I can’t stop laughing. It was hands down the best joke he has done. Apparently he had taken an old email from the man, forwarded it to himself and changed the message in the email. So it was official looking and everything. That’s what I get for marrying a smart man—I guess.

So what about you, did you get any good pranks done on you, or did you accomplish anything noteworthy? I would love to hear.

Oh, and leaving a bag of groceries in my shopping cart, and totally forgetting about them was not an April Fools joke. I really did that, and didn't even realize it for two days. Surprisingly, Maceys still had the groceries for me. Thank you Maceys!


Becca said...

Hi, I just came across your blog page looking to see other bloggers in Utah. Your blog is so funny! I love all your little reasons why blogs about how things are so much easier without all the kids! And I love the April Fools pranks! I'm glad Maceys saved your groceries! Good to see someone that shops there, that's where I work--I'm the Service Desk Manager. We try to not steal your stuff! Cute story about you and your husband too. Our family is in Murray, Utah. It's fun to find other cute families to relate too. Take care! (

The Ingebretsen's... said...

So April 1 is my least favorite day of the WHOLE year! I hate being tricked, or scammed, or lied to. So as the day comes I become a total hermit. I don't like to go anywhere, read the news or even answer my phone. I assumed that living with Tom I would never have a year pass that he didn't try something! I don't know if it was out of true respect for my dislike of the holiday, or a fear that I might go prego crazy on him, but he left me alone. I survived the whole day without a single "April Fools"! What a fantastic day. Ohhh and yes, I am having a baby tomorrow morning! Which would explain why I am wide awake at 6:30 in the morning, unable to sleep :). Thanks for not bringing your kids if they are sick, Emery is still sick and we've been talking to him about wearing a mask around the baby. We'll see!

Shauna said...

LOL! Way to make April 1st fun times. I totally forgot that it was even April Fools day. :)

Sabine Berlin said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, you got me. I never even remember it is april fools. D would surprise me with any prank he did since he has never done one.

Beth said...

Wow - that was crazy elaborate. We never do anything for April Fool's. But then, we are pretty low-key about most holidays. :-)

Dani said...

How fun! I'm impressed with the creativity! I don't even try to fool anyone because I can never keep a straight face. My kids, however, always try to get us with something. I'm sure it will get worse as they get even older!

Laura Lee said...

Great stories!! I enjoyed both of them. You guys are so fun!!

Hassingers said...

You guys are so fun! We did absolutely nothing. Sorry I was on the phone when you came by. I would have totally fallen for your deposit joke!!