Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Frailty thy name is Kneaders!

Every time I find myself going to Kneaders I ask myself why? Why do I try to drive through that narrow parking lot, congested with cars? Why do I wait in line for sometimes over 30 minutes, just to get lunch? And why, oh why am I willing to spend $7 on one sandwich? Seven dollars! I could feed my whole family for that much money.

And yet I go. I am undeniably drawn and pulled in that direction. And as I stand in line, grumbling about the wait, or hand over my money, and receiving only pennies back in change, I swear to myself I will never, ever come again!

And yet I have made, at one time, (ok I was pregnant at the time) five trips to Kneaders in one week! Why?


Because their food is so good. The moment I am biting into one of their fresh sandwiches, or a homemade pastries I forget about the wait in line, I forget about the money. It’s almost like having a baby. I hate being pregnant, the sickness, the back aches. And I hate labor. But the moment I hold that tiny baby in my arms all of that is forgotten and I’m willing to do it again. (Ok, so eating at kneaders and having a baby aren’t really the same thing, but you get the idea.)

I can’t go inside anymore. I only do the drive through, because if you go in you are instantly bombarded with the glass displays showing all their chocolate cakes, French éclairs, raspberry bread pudding, key lime tarts, strawberry cheesecakes, mint brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. No, I can’t go inside.

But now they’re making the drive through just as treacherous. I went today, craving their chunky French toast with caramel syrup, and there, in the drive through window, in perfect view, were trays filled with chocolate bread, pumpkin bread and some other kind of bread. After eyeing for a while, as I waited for my food I couldn’t help but ask the lady how much. She smiled, explained it’s not much at all and it would be easy to add to my bill. Smiling she asks in that sugar sweet voice if she could get one for me.

I bought the chocolate bread.

Oh Kneaders! Curse you! Curse the bakers that conceived of you and set you up at such close proximity to my house. No wonder I can’t loose weight, not with Carb Heaven just a couple of blocks away.


Gail said...

I don't go that often to kneaders, but I do go to Costa Vida alot. So, I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had their grilled cheese that comes in their kids meal? Holy smokes! I made the mistake of finishing off one of my kids and now my twins hand over their sandwich so mom can ceremoniously take the first bit! Yum :-)

J Glazier said...

Love KNEADERS!! And love their pumpkin bread and eclairs!!

Tennille said...

Darn you and your Kneaders post! :) I went there the other night for the first time in a really long time. I totally thought, "This sandwich is so expensive but I really don't care." And now I'm thinking I need to go back for their french toast!

kingwritergirl said...

I have to admit that there have been times I have just bought their kids meal grilled cheese sandwhich for myself. The worst is when I drive for school, because kneaders is right there on the way home!

kami @ said...

Kneaders is the best! Jenny King left a big plate of there pink mint brownies after our holiday party and I think I over-dosed on them. I should have brought them to you! :)

Sabine Berlin said...

I should curse you since you are the one who introduced me to Kneaders in the first place. We are addicted to their breakfast and their bread pudding, oh and their crab sandwhiches (seasonal--sigh) and theri turkey--real turkey--and I love those fruit tarts, and Okay Everything!

crystal said...

I love Kneaders! I love their soups...and their turkey cranberry croissant and so much more!!