Friday, February 29, 2008

Great advice

If your keys fall into a river of molten lava, let them go,cause Man, they're gone! (Deep thoughts, by Jack Handy)

Ok, so I love stupid-funny. Like Simpson's stupid-funny (but not Simpson's inappropriate funny). Just stupid-funny.

Jokes like...

"Did you hear about the agnostic, dyslexic, insomniac who stayed up all night wondering if there really was a dog?"


"If you were pretty, you'd be a pretty girl, if you were a girl."

My dad was the king of stupid-funny.

So, if you like stupid-funny, you need to check out demotivating posters. They're great. My favorite is loneliness: "If you find yourself struggling with loneliness, you're not alone. And yet you are alone. So very alone."

He he he, so great!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who wouldn't want to live in a Jane Austen novel??

I am Marianne Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

Not sure if this is something to boast about or not, but the truth is I have always loved Marianne Dashwood. So, this must be good.

Speaking of Austen I will take this moment to do a shameless plug for one of my all time favorite book. Shannon Hale's Austenland! So good. Anyone who loves Pride and Prejudice, or Jane Austen at all has to read it. Then again I love Shannon Hale. So this, to me, was icing on the cake. Yum!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Book Club

So tonight, (Wed) is book club! I love book club. It is my monthly salvation; it is what allows me to keep going each day because book club represents two things. 1) one night a month that I can have cool, adult-conversation, provided by people who love books. And 2) an excuse to read throughout the month, (because I need an excuse… actually lately I have)

I’ve decided everyone loves to read—even if you think you don’t. You just haven’t found the right book, or reading material yet. I believe our schools are to blame for making people think they don’t enjoy reading, because how can you love to read when all your given is stuff that doesn’t interest you. This happened to my husband. He thought he hated to read, and then started Master’s school and discovered he loved reading, more than me, it was just different kinds of reading. There is no question that Jason reads more than I do, and I know for a fact he has not read any kind of fiction since we’ve been married. (It’s amazing how much non-fiction there is for him)

The best part about book club has been that it has introduced me to books I would have never read, books I love. So I invite everyone who has a free evening to head over to my house at 7:00 for book club. Even if you don’t like to read, it’s still fun, (I think. I’ve never not liked to read so I’m totally guessing here. I just can’t imagine it not being fun)

And I know that my previous post probably scarred everyone away from my house for the next while, (I am removing the quarantined sign now), but I have cleaned it, and washed towels, and the bathroom and we’re all feeling more chipper now, so I hope to see you there.

Oh, in case you’re wondering the book for this month was
Odd Thomas
By Dean Koontz

And next month it is
The Secret Life of Bees
By Sue Monk Kidd

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The flu in Utah

There is nothing, and I mean nothing worse than being a mother and being sick. Why? Because you still have to be a mother. It’s not like we have sick time we can use. We can’t call a substitute or a replacement. Diapers still need to be changed. Dinner still has to be made, kids still need to be entertained, (even if it is in the form of begging them to watch just one more movie because mommy is sick.) Yeah, the two hour TV limit a day—totally has gone out the window, not that I usually stick to that anyway…

The flu crept into our house when I wasn’t looking and even though they say the flu shot isn’t helping much, I disagree. My two girls have not gotten sick, and they got the shot. My baby got the shot and did get sick, but it was much more mild then I thought it would be. Those in the house that didn’t get the shot were me and Jason. Those in the house who were the sickest… me and Jason. This is the first year is several I didn’t get the flu shot, and it’s the first year I got the flu. Uck! I’m totally getting a shot next year.

Anyway if it creeps into your house here is my two cents of advice:

I believe in Umcka, Sambacal, Thieves Oil, (and other Young Living Essential oils) Cold MD, Airbourne, and gargling with salt-water. I really do think they shorten your sickness

I also believe in Tylenol, IBprophen, Nyquil and many other synthetic drugs to help ease symptoms. I slept better last night than I have in a year and a half. It’s amazing what happens when your husband is forced to get up to take care of the kids because you are too drugged to notice they’re crying.

Anyway I hope the flu passes you, and if it does hit your family I’m sorry and I pray for every mother that they won’t get sick, because there truly is nothing, NOTHING worse than being sick and being a mom.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I heart my husband

This is a picture of me and Jason on one of our first dates.

11 years ago Jason asked me on our first date. It was Valentine’s Day, he wanted to take me snowmobiling around the mountains of Cedar City. He had made all the arrangements, rented the snowmobiles, had dinner plans—everything.

I told him no. I thought he was a nerd, and I had a boy friend at the time, and I was hoping that boyfriend would propose on Valentines day. To my good fortune the boyfriend didn’t propose and Jason didn’t give up.

The next date Jason asked me on I said no again, because I still had the boyfriend. As luck would have it the boyfriend dumped me before Jason asked me again. (This boyfriend wanted to go to doctoral school and didn’t feel he could do that with me as his wife… ha! Ironically my husband is in doctorate school)

The third date Jason asked me on I said yes, but I was so depressed about my break up I was going through I completely forgot about it and stood him up. Amazingly enough he was still interested in me. I must have been really hot, or he was really desperate…I like to pretend it was the first one.

Finally we went out on our first date two months after Valentine’s Day. Three weeks later he proposed. I said no. (I mean, I was only eighteen) He asked again, I said no. A week later I knew I was supposed to marry him and told him to ask me one more time. He did. I said yes. Three months later we were married. Now every Valentines Day we think about that lost snowmobile trip that started it all. If only I had known then what I know now, how truly amazing my husband is—and when he gets his mind set on something there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that will hold him back.

I love you Jason! Happy Valentines Day

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Valentine Bling

For Valentine’s day I told my hubby that I just wanted the carpets cleaned. Of course I was lying. I mean I do want the carpets cleaned and that’s what we need to spend our money on. But what I really want are roses, jewelry and chocolate. (I’m such a girl). But I don’t want to spend the money on those things when I need to spend my money on carpet cleaning. Anyway, so I was looking, (just looking) at the Costco jewelry website and found this
Heck, who needs clean carpets. I mean, who even needs to buy a house when you can wear the price of one on your finger right? So if you see our house for sale just check out my hand and you’ll know the reason why. (In case you’re wondering I’m totally joking. Seriously!)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Check this out

If you haven't seen this 7 year old singing the National Anthem you need to check it out. How many 7 year olds even know the words to the National Anthem, none the less can sing it... none the less can sing it this well! It's amazing.

I don't know how to post youtube videos on a blog. Could someone walk me through it

Monday, February 4, 2008

Trying to get in shape

This is a picture of how I feel

This is a picture of how I want to feel

I am in the worst shape of my life right now. Currently my exercise routine consists of running around after kids, cleaning the house and doing a workout video once, sometimes twice a month. I’m constantly feeling drained and mushy, so to compensate I down a couple Dr. Pepper’s, leaving me feeling even more drained—later on. So, I thought I would petition people for ideas on ways to get in shape.

I don’t enjoy running (or walking). I never have. I don’t think I get the kick of endorphins that others get, because there is never a time before, during or after running that I feel good. I do enjoy going to the gym. In fact the times in my life I’ve been able to exercise the most is when I’ve gone to the gym 3-4 times a week. I would love to do that now, but I have two problems, 1) money. I don’t have a gym membership and just don’t feel that I can justify buying on right now because of 2) time. Yes I could make the time to go if it was important enough, but my biggest problem is figuring out what to do with my children. I hate the gym daycare! Every time I’ve taken my kids there they get sick or have traumatic moments. So I need to find someone to watch my kids. I just don’t have money to pay a babysitter on a daily or weekly basis. My husband is out of the question He leaves for work at 5:00 am and sometimes doesn’t get home until 10:30 pm. When he is home he is locked away in the bedroom working on Doctoral school. I can’t get him to baby-sit for book club, girl’s night out, or enrichment. There is no way I could get his help while I go workout. So I feel I am left with two options.

1) Wait until my two oldest are both in school, bundle up my baby, put him in the stroller and go out walking. (Ick, this will really take some dedication, especially since it’s freezing outside and when the kids are both in school it is usually my baby’s nap time and I use that time to write, or read, both very sedentary activities)

Or 2) do a workout video at home… which is where I am and what I’ve been trying to do. But I only have one video and I’m not very dedicated and find myself again and again finding excuses as to why I am too busy—right now—to do it. So I keep getting mushy and tired and I feel a little stuck and really want to get my body back in shape, but I’m feeling kind of at a loss as to what to do.

So, any helpful advice would be appreciated. I would love to hear what you do to exercise, what you enjoy about it and any ideas you might have. I know I live in a neighborhood of super in shape, beautiful, and glamorous people and I really would love to know a little of your secret. Thanks!

Friday, February 1, 2008


HAPPY BIRTHDAY SABINE!! For being alive for 32 years, here are 32 wonderful things I love about you, as well as 32 pictures of you being you. (Actually I wanted to put 32 pictures of you, but I didn't have that many without putting pics of your kids on here too. So I just put 18.) And yes, I did try to find the most embarrassing pictures of you I have ;)

1) It’s not uncommon for her to read 2-3 books a week
2) Her favorite TV series is Firefly
3) Even though we were partners in our church calling we would never have become such good friends without book club
4) She wrote a whole novel in a month
5) She is allergic to walnuts
6) Her list of favorite authors changes each month, but I can guarantee that Alyson King is on it :)
7) She is older than her husband
8) She was in the MTC at the same time as her husband
9) She has a passion for cherry Coke
10) And doughnuts
11) And pajamas
12) Because of me she will forever be addicted to Sailor Moon
13) She hates Britney Spears, but still loves me even though I like her music
14) Fourth of July is her favorite holiday
15) Music is very important to her
16) She can’t sing, but sings better than me
17) She is the youngest of four children
18) She is very good about buying $200 worth of groceries for only $100
19) She prides herself in being frugal
20) Orson Scott Card loved the beginning of her short story, “The Laverkin Project”
21) She loves chocolate, but hates chocolate ice cream
22) There is a conspiracy at the Chilies in Orem to disregard Sabine every time she comes in.
23) She is buying a house in May, (maybe June)
24) She enjoys cleaning toilets
25) She is always serving others
26) She is not afraid to try new things
27) She’s taught me how to save money and still have fun
28) Last year she met 4 very famous authors, and got their autographs, and pictures. (Stephenie Meyer, Shannon Hale, Orson Scott Card, and Brandon Sanderson)
29) She loves her kids more than anything else in this world, even if she is hanging them up in the rafters
30) She loves to wear scrunchies in her hair
31) She is a very conscious person
32) She’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had