My oldest daughter wants to get a perm. I’m kind of excited by the idea, since her thin hair seems impossible to do in the mornings, since it’s so straight and, well, blah. She desperately needs some kind of style and refuses to let me cut it.
But I thought I would see if anyone out there had any feedback or information on perms for kids. When I was younger I got perms all the time, and they were always home perms. I’ve never had a professional salon perm. Has anyone? What’s the difference? I’m trying to decide if I want to perm her hair myself, or take her in and drop $50 to have someone else do it. I’ve never done it before, but I can’t imagine it would be too terribly difficult… (I say that nervously) Any feedback would be awesome, especially from all you amazing woman that do hair, what do you think, salon or home??
If she has thin hair and not a whole lot of it then I think you would have to be very brave to try it yourself..
I say salon all the way... but I'm not good at hair and that would be terrifying for me to try myself. But just as a side note, her hair reminds me a lot of my girls'; I took Katy when she was about 8-9 and put down the $50 and the perm washed out with the first wash of her hair, so it was a waste. Whatever you decide.. I know it will be cute.
I'm no expert, but I say salon too. Only because if it were me, I know I would mess it up! Good luck deciding.
I had traumatic memories of getting home perms as a child. I didn't really know what was going on and I coudln't tell the difference afterward and my mom said something like, "We have to wash your hair now or the chemicals will burn your hair!" and I went, "BURN my HAIR!?"
So yes, I recommend the Salon.
I say go with the perm!
You should ask Krystal Stuebner. She does hair and from her home salon. She doesn't charge as much as the salons and she does a great job. She would also be able to give you great advice.
I say go with a perm, but let someone else do it.
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