Thursday, July 24, 2008

30 of my favorite words

You are enjoying Alyson King’s ultimate, 30 days of 30 lists with 30 facts about her…
Age 8

Words are an interesting thing for me, being a writer they are the tool of my trade, and although I know very few, I do have a love for certain ones. I also find that I will favor words for a year or so, and then ignore them and favor other words, so these are the favorite words on my mind right now.

1. Paradigm
2. Diaphanous
3. Fathom
4. Feckless
5. Excruciating
6. Exuberant
7. Zephyr
8. Preposterous
9. Titillate
10. Adamantine
11. Impregnable
12. Sizzle
13. Envelope
14. Facetious
15. Perfect
16. Antidisestablishmentarianism (no longer the longest word in the dictionary, but so many fond memories using this word in grade school)
17. Copasetic
18. Seared
19. Loath
20. Hippopotamomonstrososessiquippadaliaphobia (The fear of long words, how great it that!
21. Iridescent
22. Zealous
23. Serendipity
24. Writhe
25. Satin
26. Copious
27. Ensue
28. Frivolous
29. Elated
30. Reminisce


Sabine Berlin said...

I can't believe you didn't have smelaphor on there! Oh wait, it probably doesn't count if it is a made up word, huh? Is that why you chose titilate instead of twitilate? :)

The Ingebretsen's... said...

Uhh... you're missing a very important word... Xzensues!!!!! Or however you spell it!? :)

sonnett said...

Diaphanous! Adamantine! Ah such good words ^_^