Sunday, July 13, 2008

Everything you've ever wanted to know about Alyson King and so much more than you really care to know

This is my hospital picture

So this year, on August 15th, I am turning 30 years old. It has been, for whatever reason, something I’ve struggled with. So to help ease the depression, or perhaps to help me take my mind off of the fact, I have created the ultimate list. So, 30 days before my birthday, (starting July 17th) I’m going to post 30 different lists, each one with 30 different facts about me. Yup, that’s 900 facts for your enjoyment. Now, I’m not narcissistic enough to really think anyone would want to read everything, but it was really fun for me to create. (It’s been a few months in the process) And it was a great way for me to document who I am for my posterity. I would recommend everyone try it, and see if you learn about yourself. I also want to apologize for all grammar mistakes through these lists, as well as I'm sorry if information is repeated. I can no longer remember what I put where and if I repeated myself. Here is a preview of what you will be getting over the next month. Enjoy.

My 30 list

1. 30 favorite songs
2. 30 favorite foods
3. 30 least favorite foods
4. 30 favorite books I’ve read
5. 30 titles of books I’ve written
6. 30 writing tips
7. 30 dreams I have
8. 30 favorite words
9. 30 favorite names
10. 30 places I’ve been.
11. 30 places I would like to go
12. 30 things that scare me
13. 30 favorite Barbies
14. 30 favorite movies
15. 30 Things I do
16. 30 people who have changed my life
17. 30 most memorable memories
18. 30 beliefs
19. 30 cheapest things I own
20. 30 most expensive things I own
21. 30 facts about my family
22. 30 favorite kinds of candy
23. 30 irreplaceable things I have
24. 30 favorite TV shows
25. 30 things I would buy if I was a millionaire
26. 30 things about me as a kid
27. 30 things about me as a teenager
28. 30 things about me as an adult
29. 30 things I want to be doing in 30 years
30. 30 random things about me


Tennille said...

What a great idea! I totally struggled with turning 30, and frankly, I'm still in denial that I'm turning 32 this year. :)

Dani said...

I'm looking forward to all your lists! Fun idea!

shauna said...

OH! I can't wait!:)

What's Cookin?? said...

I will be 35 this year...30 is nothin! You don't even look 25 ;)! Life just gets better as you go... so they say :). It will be fun to read all about you while you cope!

sonnett said...

This is a great idea ^_^ I'm looking forward to reading your lists.

Anonymous said...

I love lists..reading them and making them! I can't wait to see yours :-)