Saturday, July 19, 2008

Foods I would rather starve than eat, (at least I say that now, hopefully I won't have to test this claim)

You are enjoying Alyson King’s ultimate, 30 days of 30 lists with 30 facts about her…

Me at 3

As I said, I am a super picky eater, which drives most people who know me, crazy. But at least I know what I don’t like. Here it is.

1. I hate nuts!! Considering I’m allergic to them no wonder
2. Almonds are the worst
3. Mushrooms, (although I do like the flavor, it’s the texture I can’t stand)
4. Tomatoes (again, love the flavor, not so much the texture.
5. Wasabi sauce (too hot)
6. Strawberries, no matter how many times I’ve tried them, (dipped in chocolate, wrapped in cream cheese and brown sugar), I just can’t stomach them. I think I have an intolerance.
7. liver and onions, (ok I admit I have never tried this, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to try it either)
8. Ribs, too messy, too chewy, I’ve just never been able to fall in love with them. Amazingly my marriage has still survived despite the fact
9. Cole slaw (gag)
10. Most left overs ( for whatever reason I have a mental aversion to prepared food that’s been in the fridge)
11. Cow tongue, pigs feet, chicken beak. Or any animal body part that we don’t normally eat, (again never tried them, but the very idea makes me gag)
12. drumsticks, loved them as a kid, not so much as an adult and I don’t know why
13. most soups made from a powder, some are great, but there are a few that should just stay powdered
14. Any kind of chocolate delicacies with nuts. There is nothing worse than getting my hopes up that I’m going to have something delicious and wonderful, only to get them dashed when I see the nuts. (this happened many times to me in Europe)
15. Fast food hamburgers. I must have been traumatized as a child, because I haven’t even been able to order one in over 20 years.
16. McDonalds. Ok let’s admit it—it’s a love/hate relationship. But at the moment I’m leaning more towards hate, simply because I just had some. Curse you McDonalds, and your hot salty french-fries!
17. Twinkies. Never have and never will like Twinkies.
18. Lobster, by itself not so grand. Lobster bisque! YUM! Chunks of lobster in a cheesy fondue, SUPER YUM! By itself, err, not so great.
19. Western Family Mac and Cheese, yes there is a big difference form the Kraft brand, and trust me, it’s worth those extra $0.15.
20. Cornflakes
21. Hot dogs boiled in water
22. Green Peppers (but I love red peppers)
23. Jalapeños
24. Little Caesar’s Pizza (It use to be so good)
25. Chili (except on Halloween)
26. Pickles
27. Maraschino cherries (they just seem so unnatural to me)
28. Plain vanilla ice cream (add chocolate sauce and it’s great)
29. Raw pumpkin (carving pumpkins at Halloween, makes me gag)
30. Yams


Dani said...

I'm having a lot of fun reading your different lists! I love how much thought you are giving all of this! I agree with your tomatoes dislike. It's mine too, and it's also because of the texture not the flavor. I can't wait to see what is next!

Sabine Berlin said...

Not to bad, but the nuts is a cheat. How do you know you would not love them if you didn't go into shock everytime you tried them? :) JK