Sunday, July 6, 2008

We believe

"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."

I don’t often get spiritual in my posts, but I couldn’t contain the feelings that overwhelmed me yesterday as I watched my oldest daughter get baptized. The ordinance itself is so quick, so simple, and yet it will set her on a path to guide her through her whole life. It is true that it’s these small, simple things that make great things come to past. After she received the gift of the Holy Ghost I had an opportunity to bare my testimony to her. Tears filled her eyes as I told her that I knew Jesus was the Christ and I can honestly say, at that moment I have never felt closer to my daughter. I have never felt so peaceful in my life. I truly felt a fullness of joy. I’m so grateful for this opportunity. I love my family so much and I’m so grateful for the chance to spend all eternity with them.

What a wonderful thing baptism is, that we can be clean forever of our sins. As we exercise faith and repentance we will be as spotless as the moment we were baptized. It was a good reminder for me, as I see myself struggle and fall each day, that the Lord will always love us, and always provide an opportunity for us to be spotless, to have a member of the godhead with us at all times, and to be with Him again. How truly glorious this gospel is.


Anonymous said...

I love baptisms. Such a powerful but simple ordinance carries the most beautiful moments & memories :-) Congratulations Janae on your choice!

The Ingebretsen's... said...

It was such a beautiful day! You get the blog list with updates in the page elements section. It's a new page element! I love it! I am so excited for next week. It will be so fun to get away and relax, as well as catch up with everyone!

Beth said...

I think one of the cool things about the gospel is that it isn't flashy. Real power is never flashy like in the movies and on TV. The spirit speaks to us with a still, small voice, not with a laser show.

All the ordinances of the gospel are very simple - they all take about five minutes but there is real power in them.

Sabine Berlin said...

It was a great day. I enjoyed your testimony yesterday.

crystal said...

Congrats, Janae...that's so awesome :)

Dani said...

I saw Janae last night and we talked about her baptism. She was just beaming! She is such a sweet girl. So sorry we couldn't make it!

Tricia said...

We are so happy for Janae... I actually was going to bring Tessa, but found out our niece was getting baptized the same day. Congratulation, Janae!