Still going, Alyson King's list of 30, well you get the idea.
17 years old. Senior Picture! Actually I think this picture was taken the day before my 17th birthday, but it still counts.
This was fun, I dare everyone to write down their most memorable memories, (we'll just call it MMM)Maybe it's just me, but I love strolling down memory lane, all thirty years of them.
1. The first time I cried in the movie theater. (It was “My Girl”
2. The moment I found out my Dad died. (I half expected a call from him saying he was just kidding and it was all a big joke.)
3. The day I got married. (August 29th 1997. I was late)
4. Each time my children were born, but especially when my oldest was born
5. The day I found out I was pregnant for the first time. (I think I took three tests just to "make sure")
6. The day I learned my husband had cancer. (I was pregnant at the time and at my own doctor when I got the call)
7. My High school graduation (June 6th 1996)
8. My first “real” kiss (Define real kiss however you want, this one was chaste. New Years Eve, 1994. I was 15 years old)
9. The day my daughter was baptized. (July 5, 2008)
10. The day I was baptized (September 5th, 1986)
11. The first time I tried Magelby’s chocolate cake (I was at Costco and they were giving free samples. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The guy that gave it to me warned me it was addictive. I should have listened)
12. The day my childhood home burned down (August 17th, 2000. We were going to celebrate my birthday the next day.)
13. The moment I learned my parents were “officially” divorced. (April 2000. I don't like to think about this one)
14. The day my mother remarried. (I was, and still am, very happy for her, but I couldn't even watch the ceremony. It was hard for me to watch my mother kiss a man that was not my father.)
15. The day I bought my home. (It was the day before my 7th wedding anniversary
16. The first time I listened to “The Phantom of the Opera” (I was driving to St George with Sonnett, and her father played it on the way down. I was 12.)
17. My first day of college. (More importantly I remember the day I moved into my dorm room. It was the first time i was living on my own, and it was awesome!)
18. The day I learned my parents temple sealing was canceled. (For years afterwards I struggled listening to the song "Families Can be Together Forever")
19. The first time I feel in love (Oh nothing like that jittery, electric, "in-love" feeling)
20. The first time I got my heart broken (Oh, ouch, don't like to think about this one either)
21. My 11th birthday. (I had an old fashioned tea party)
22. 5th grade (It was very good
23. The first big lie I told, (I was physically sick about it for two weeks, until I told my dad the truth. He was so good about it I never lied to him after. Never!
24. The first time I flew on an airplane. (I was seven and went by myself)
25. Going to Disneyland with my dad, just the two of us, when I was seven.
26. The first rejection letter I received for my writing...I don't need to go into that one.
27. The moment I was accepted into Orson Scott Card’s boot-camp. (It was the first "official" validation I have ever received for my writing... also the last, so far. But I'm optimistic.
28. The first time I bought a car from a car lot. (Ok, I'll be honest, my husband bought the car, but it was still cool to purchase a car that only had 6 miles on it.)
29. My last day of work (in an office, let’s face it I work harder now then I ever did at a desk job.)
30. The last time I spoke to my dad—two days before he died. (He told me to help my little brother, and to be kind to my mother.)
REAL FRIENDS book tour!
7 years ago
1 comment:
Hey!! #17!!! I remember that one too neighbor!:) Ah- to go back to those easy and carefree days!!...;)
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