Wednesday, August 13, 2008

30 things I hope to be doing in 30 years

28 years old. I feel like this picture was just taken yesterday. Now we're really getting close to the big 3-0

As I made up this list I realized that I'm not doing nearly enough of what I need to do in order to accomplish all the things on this list. It was a good wake up call for me, and I hope I can focus more on some of my long term goals, not just my short termed ones.

1. I want to be financially sound, (as in no debt and lots of retirement money)

2. I want to be a grandma.

3. I want to be healthy

4. I better have published something by then, even if it’s just a magazine article!

5. I would love to be on the New York Times Bestseller list, or have been at sometime in my life.

6. I hope that by then my house will stay clean for longer than ten minutes.

7. I hope that my house is more organized and NOT more cluttered.

8. I hope to have made a lot of progress on my “too read” list.

9. I would like to still be living in the same house I am living in now.

10. I hope I’m traveling the world.

11. I want my kids to be happy.

12. I want to be in a position that I can help my children through their trails that they will face as they start their own families.

13. I hope I remember and keep in touch with the friends that I have now. I’m really bad at keeping in touch with people.

14. I hope I’m more forgiving.

15. I want to be looking forward to the next 30 years of my life. (As in, I hope to live to be 90.)

16. I don’t want to be boring.

17. I hope I’m not a “slow” driver.

18. I wonder if I will still be a night owl, or if I will go to bed early.

19. I think it will be fun when I turn 60 to go back and read these lists, and see if I still agree with them.

20. I plan on celebrating my 41st wedding anniversary

21. By the time I’m 60 I want to have gone back to college, and graduated.

22. I hope I still have all my teeth.

23. I believe my husband’s private practice will be successful by then.

24. I hope I still have most of my hair.

25. I hope that all my immediate family is still alive.

26. I hope I am still alive. (My father died at only 54.)

27. I hope by then “they” have found a cure for colds and cancer.

28. I’m curious to see what kind of technology there will be that my children and grandchildren can operate that I don’t have a clue about.

29. I hope I’m stylish when I’m 60, (age appropriate stylish)

30. I hope I look back at my life and be proud of what I’ve done.

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