I dare anyone out there to make there own 30 lists of 30 things. it is hard, but very fun and very interesting to see what you learn about yourself.

As I was coming up with this list I realized that I really don’t have many things of much value. I often worry about someone breaking into my house. But then I realized there isn’t much for them to steal besides my checkbook and passport. Not sure if that’s really comforting or depressing, but I am grateful for the things I have and that what I have works. So here is my list of the most expensive things I own that I couldn’t live without, or things that are irreplaceable to me.
1. Gasoline. I’ve had my mini van for the past four years and I am certain that I‘ve spent more on gas for it, than on the vehicle itself!
2. Diapers and wipes. Maybe individually they’re not expensive, but I spend a lot of money on them, and I couldn’t imagine not having them.
3. My computer. I really don’t think I could survive without one, at least not for more than a few days.
4. My Car. I hate my car, it’s old, it’s clunky, but it runs and I know I couldn’t live without it.
5. My house. Ok, I don’t own my house yet, but I’m including things I hope to own someday, and that I’m making payments on now.
6. My grandmother’s necklace. When my father died my grandmother let me wear her Tiffany pearl necklace to the funeral, and told me I could have it when she died. This and my wedding ring are the only pieces of nice jewelry I own, but I love it more because of the sentimentality than because of the actually value. (Honestly I have no idea how much it’s even worth. It might not even be that much.)
7. Wedding ring. I could live without this, but I wouldn’t want to.
8. The TV. Ok, this is a must for anyone with kids. There are days I don’t know how I would survive without it.
9. CD player. How did people live I the “olden days” without the ability to hear whatever music they wanted whenever they wanted?
10. My book collection. I suppose if I was desperate and had no books I could go to the library for everything, but it give me a high, like a drug, for me to own my own books.
11. My bed. It’s nothing nice, in fact it’s 11 years old. But I love it much more than sleeping on the floor.
12. My pillow. I am very fond of my feather pillow, so much that I won’t travel without it. I just can’t sleep on the hotel room pillows. I have to have my own.
13. 700 thread count Egyptian cotton “sateen” sheets. Sigh. I’ve spoiled myself with this luxury, and now I’m addicted.
14. Food. Do you know how much money I spend on food? Especially good and healthy food. But so worth every dime. Literally, I could not survive without food.
15. Eye glasses/and or contacts. I would die in a car crash if I tried to drive without them, so I certainly need these.
16. My original books and stories that were hand written. My handwritten stories from my youth are fading with each year, but I treasure them as much as possible and I have done what I can to preserve them.
17. My table and chairs. As comfortable as my couch is, I prefer the table when I’m eating.
18. My education. We have spent much, much more on my husband’s education, but I value every cent I have spent to help me learn more, and I hope to spend even more money someday to help me expand that.
19. Hand-written letters that my father wrote to me when he was alive. After he died I looked for every personal thing he had ever given me. It’s amazing how seeing his handwriting with my name and those simple words, “I love you” can mean so much to me.
20. My flash drive. It has all my files backed up from my computer in case it ever crashed. I would hate to be without that in an emergency.
21. My cell phone. The bane of my life, can’t live with it, can’t live without it.
22. Clothes. Ok, I spend more money than I should on clothes, and that’s my fault. But let’s face it, clothes are expensive and I would be very uncomfortable living without them.
23. My children. Hands down they are the most expensive things in my house, and one thing that is irreplaceable and I couldn’t imagine my life without.
24. My fridge. Another convenience I can’t imagine living without.
25. My washer and dryer.
26. My dishwasher. No wonder the middle class had to have hired help. There is no way people could do it on their own.
27. My BBQ. This is my lifesaver in the summer, especially if my husband is going to help with the cooking.
28. The internet. This isn’t as expensive as it use to be, but it does take enough of my money over time, and I really could not live without it.
29. My newly acquired Wii. Once you play it you can’t imagine life without it, he he he…
30. My 20kt pink-diamond, Harry Winston necklace. I just love this so much I can’t stand to lock it up, so I let it hang around in the open on the rare days I’m not wearing it… Just kidding. I only wish I had a fat diamond necklace. I’m just running out of things to say.
I have so loved reading your lists... I'll be sad when you're birthday is here (purely for selfish reading reasons)!
Most of your lists have made me laugh, but some have made me cry... and 'remember when'... ahh, it makes me want to break out in song - 'mem'ries... of the way we were...'
Be glad you couldn't hear my tone deafness!
The most expensive things in my house are probably my spinning wheel and my English wool combs...
I do have some family jewelry that is probably more expensive but I'm not going to tell you where I have hidden it. :-) I will say, though, that before I was married to used to daydream all the time about sparkley rings and stuff, and now that I'm married I do indeed own sparkley things but I never wear them. I am content instead with just the wedding band.
Ah my book collection. I would have that on my list as well.
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